This is the Portfolio page for the artist known as Blanket Ghost or @BlanketOrGhost in social media.For a better experience, please view this website on desktop mode!
'Blanket Ghost' or BlanketOrGhost is the pseudonym for a Colombia-based artist that specializes in illustration and graphic design. With a passion for cartoons and children's books, Ghost has a playful and colorful signature style.
Ghost is currently a Visual Arts student in the Pontifical Xavierian University as a Graphic Arts focus.

Published Works
Flower Language
Book Format | Digital |
Release Date | May 31st 2024 |
Role | Logo Designer, Page Illustrator, Organizer, Layout & Asset Artist |
Memento Mori: Profecias de Muerte
Book Format | Physical |
Release Date | April 21st 2024 |
Role | Author, Illustrator |
Zine Format | Digital |
Release Date | December 20th 2023 |
Role | Page Artist |
Zine Format | Digital & Physical |
Release Date | September 10th 2023 |
Role | Page Artist, Merch Artist |
Zine Format | Digital |
Release Date | December 21st 2022 |
Role | Merch Artist |
Zine Format | Digital & Physical |
Release Date | December 25th 2021 |
Role | Organizer, Cover Illustrator, Page Illustrator, Layout & Asset Artist |
Fankid Frenzy
Zine Format | Digital |
Release Date | June 4th 2020 |
Role | Page Illustrator, Spread Illustrator |
Original Art
Branding & Layout

Festival Nido
Branding exercise done for a fictional pet adoption and animal welfare festival located in Bogotá, Colombia. Did the logo, branding guide, and examples of posters, brochures, and business cards.The entirety of this project was made during the winter semester of 2023 in Selkirk College.

Terms of Service
These rules apply to any and all personal commissions ordered. Unless stated otherwise, all commissions will be considered to be of a personal nature and the customer will be required to abide by these terms.
What I Draw
Elderly People
Sexually explicit content*
What I Don't Draw
Sexually Explicit Content containing minors
Pedophilia, Incest and/or any variation of the such
Hate Speech/Propaganda
Sexual/Domestic Violence
Payment and Refunds
Upon ordering a commission I, the artist, will take 48 hours (2 days) create four different concept sketches/thumbnails to decide on poses, composition and a basic color palette. The client, upon receiving these sketches, is allowed to ask for major changes and edits.After a concept sketch is decided on, the client will send the full payment upfront to proceed onto the sketching process.I, the artist, will provide weekly updates unless I make more progress before the deadline, and will not charge for any major changes up until the base colors stage.After the lineart is done and approved, the client will no longer be entitled to a full refund, but will be able to ask for a partial refund if they wish to cancel the commission.If I, the artist, have to cancel the commission after this phase, the client can be entitled to a full refund.I, the artist, have the right to stop a commission and refund you whenever necessary.
Past the base color and entering the rendering phase of a commissioned piece, the buyer will no longer have the right to ask for a refund and I will be obliged to complete the piece.If you file a chargeback against me after a commission is finished I will have the right to:
Forbid you from commissioning me ever again.
File a chargeback against you.
Display your name publicly to warn others.
Copyright/Usage Policy
I, the artist hold all comercial rights to the commissioned art, therefore I'm allowed to:
Promote myself or my site with it.
Publish art books or collections with it.
Display it in any way I require.
Post it in my social media.
The Commissioner is allowed to:
Use the artwork for personal use only unless agreed otherwise.
Print the artwork for themselves
Claim the (original) character displayed in the picture, but NOT the art.
Use the art to promote themselves with clear and proper credit given to the artist.
The Commissioner is NOT allowed to:
Reproduce or use the artwork for profit unless agreed to.
Take credit for the creation of the piece
Removing any Watermarks/Signatures from the picture.
Altering the artwork without given consent by the artist.
The purchase of the Commercial Rights to the artwork will cost 300% of the original price.
For Inquiries, please contact [email protected] or send me a private message.

How To Contact
Please only contact me if you have serious inquiries/questions about my work. I usually take about 1-2 business days to reply unless I am in a break, so I appreciate your patience!

* Currently *
Under Construction
Sorry for the Inconvenience!